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Dental Implants

With DDS Lab, you can work with your dental implant platform of choice to deliver a quality restoration. We are focused on implants, hybrid solutions, and technologically driven aesthetic restorations.

Regardless of case complexity, our highly skilled team of implant specialists, CDTs, and TEs are versed in all implant platforms, components, and materials. With our dental implant laboratory, you have access to the full range of support necessary for the success of your implant treatment solutions.

Dental Implants

Implant Restorations

From single-tooth replacements to full-arch restorations, our dental implants provide seamless integration and optimal functionality. DDS Lab aims to support dental professionals in delivering superior patient outcomes. Explore our offerings today and discover why our dental implant lab is a trusted partner in this field of dentistry.

Screw-Retained Dental Implants

Easily retrievable as screw-retained implants can be removed without damaging the restoration. Predictable retention.
Screw Retained Dental Implants - DDS Lab's Dental Implants

Cementable Custom Titanium Abutments

Cementable custom-made titanium abutments are designed for excellent esthetics and stability.
Cementable Custom Titanium Abutments | DDS Lab Dental Implants

All Zirconia Screw-Retained Bridges

All-zirconia, screw-retained bridges are stronger than other ceramic bridges.
All Zirconia Screw-Retained (All-on- Four Concept) Bridges - DDS Lab's Dental Implants

Titanium Hybrid Dentures

Titanium Hybrid Dentures can last for life. Titanium is less rigid than zirconia, allowing for flexure in the mandible.
Titanium Hybrid Dentures - DDS Lab's Dental Implants

The ultimate guide to dental implants

Everything you need to know about dental implants.


  • Popular Implant Systems Amongst Dentists
  • Types of Implants
  • Pros and Cons of Model-Less Restorations
  • The Benefits of Using CT Scans
  • Surgically Guided Implants
  • Full Zirconia Implant Retained Prosthesis

Get started. Everything you need to send a case today!

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DDS Lab | Full-Service Modern Dental Lab

Our experts are passionate about supporting your dental practice

  • Full-service Certified Dental Laboratory (CDL)
  • Certified Dental Technicians available for case planning
  • Member of National Association of Dental Laboratories (NADL)
  • Exclusively utilize fully approved FDA materials
  • Experienced fixed and removable specialists on staff
  • Whether you know exactly what you need, or you’re looking for advice on a complex case, we’re here for you

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